Saturday, July 30, 2005

ada apa dengan pegawai?

"Sahibulhikayat, maka semua mereka yang bekerja dengan Kerajaan adalah pegawai. Hatta, maka para pegawai ini hendaklah mengambil ingat bahawa perkataan pegawai itu sebenarnya berasal dari perkataan gawai dalam bahasa Jawa. Gawai ertinya tugas atau kerja. Jadi seorang pegawai hanyalah seorang petugas atau seorang pekerja. Tidak lebih dari itu"
-T.S. Lanang, Dewan Masyarakat, 15 Mei 1981

ada apa denga kota melaka?

Kalau roboh Kota Melaka
Papan di Jawa saya dirikan
Kalau sungguh apa di kata
Selat Melaka saya keringkan
-Usman Awang

Friday, July 29, 2005

ada apa dengan agriculture?

"Agriculture has been for too long relegated to second class status in a narrow-minded focus on industries and technology. The new move to revitalise this sector is welcome as agriculture devloped with the appropriate technology has the potential to add more value to the economy."
"In the electronics industry, for instance, only about a fifth of exports have value added bacause of the high import content in chips and other products which are subsequently exported. In agriculture exports, the value-added would be 100% - exporting RM20 million worth of agriculture products would have the same effect on the economy as exporting RM100 million worth of electronics products."
-P Gunasegaram, The Edge, February 9, 2004

ada apa dengan pensioner?

"If you cannot be grateful for what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped."
-Tan Sri Ahmad Sarji, chief secretary to the government, addressing 26 retired senior civil servants at a dinner in their honour, Malaysian Business, January 16-31, 1993

Thursday, July 28, 2005

ada apa dengan bangunan?

"I evaluate things like I do women. There are buildings that I won't mind for a one night stand and never to return again, and there are buildings that I'd like to marry. The mistress type buildings are the superficial ones you like to keep on the side, if you have the money. But my favourite are the old, comfortable government houses in Bukit Tunku. Reminds me of my mother."

- Unidentified doctor, forty something, quoted in a local men's magazine on structures he likes

Sunday, July 24, 2005

ada apa dengan sejarah?

"Sebenarnya banyak yang kita boleh pelajari dari sejarah yang boleh kita gunakan untuk mencari idea baru."
"Sebagai contoh, semasa tentera Nazi pimpinan Adolf Hitler menyerang Leningrad di Russia, Pemimpin Komunis, Josef Stalin menggunakan ilmu yang dia pelajari dari Czar Russia waktu Napoleon menyerang negara itu di zaman Czar memerintah."
"Czar telah membakar ladang-ladang gandum dan gudang-gudang makanan di seluruh ibu kota yang sekarang bernama Leningrad, sehingga tentera Napoleon semuanya mati kebuluran."
"Sebenarnya, Czar juga tidak pandai, tetapi membaca sejarah. Czar mendapati 200 tahun sebelum Nabi Isa, Hannibal dari Gaul telah merancang untuk menyerang Rom."
"Pada waktu itu, Fabius menjadi Maharaja Rom. Waktu Hannibal membuat persiapan untuk berperang, Fabius tidak mempedulikannya. Tetapi apabila tentera Hannibal sampai ke Switzerland, Fabius telah menghantar tentera ke sana untuk membakar ladang gandum dan gudang makanan."
"Hannibal berundur dan tidak jadik menyerang Rom. Jika ini kita lihat, nampaknya Fabius cukup pintar orangnya. Tetapi Fabius di Rom di gelar Fabius the Fool kerana terkenal dengan kebodohannya."
"Tanpa pelajaran dari sejarah, Rom pasti ditawan oleh Hannibal. Dan jika Czar tidak belajar dari sejarah, Napoleon sudah tentu mengalahkan Russia atau Hitler sudah berjaya menawannya."
- Sanusi Junid, Tuntutan Perjuangan Bangsa

Monday, July 04, 2005

ada apa dengan jalan ampang?

"I remember an occasion way back in 1959 or 1960 when Datuk Thuraisingam was president of the Selangor Turf Club, I mentioned to him that this turf club was right in the heart of town and that one day he would find it hard to get to the races. What I had in mind was to use the race course for the government headquarters, and I offered him in exchange any land, any place he chose and the Government would build a new course. He however insisted on keeping it where it was."

"The Government demand for new offices continue to grow, so much so that they have to rent building space at exorbitant prices. It is therefore obvious that the Government must look ahead for a new site in the centre of the town for its new offices and what better site than the race course in Jalan Ampang."

- Tunku Abdul Rahman, Lest We Forget

Sunday, July 03, 2005

ada apa dengan al capone?

"Second Hand Furniture Dealer"

- profession printed on Al Capone's business card